
vote B.C. snap election

Everything you need to know about voting in B.C.’s upcoming election

Do you know how to register? Does mail-in voting confuse you? Are you wondering how the pandemic will affect voting? Not to fear, the Martlet is here to answer all…
Sex and dating in the time of COVID-19 graphic of sex toys and mask

5 tips for sex and dating in the time of COVID-19

Below are a few tips for sex and dating during COVID-19 that may make your search for a boo safer for you. The pursuit of pleasure and intimacy
bar graphic and COVID-19, bars to close two hours early

For B.C.’s bars, two hours won’t break the bank

Bars should listen to Bonnie Henry’s advice On Sept. 8, Bonnie Henry, B.C.’s provincial health officer, issued a new COVID-related restriction on B.C.’s nightlife. Venues are no longer allowed to…
Essential worker anxiety, women in mask

For essential workers, the pandemic’s extra precautions add anxiety to the workplace

Working behind the scenes in construction during COVID-19 When COVID-19 hit B.C., action was taken quickly and most places that were not essential services were closed. Construction was declared an…
park bench in green space COVID-19

How to enjoy green spaces this summer while still respecting public health directives

As Canada waits for the fourth phase of “total normalcy” to return, British Columbians can enjoy green spaces amid COVID-19.

Fall cancellations of U Sports and Canada West leaves Vikes athletes in limbo

Ordinarily, the start of each school year not only brings the excitement of new classes, but also the beginning of a fresh season of competition for student athletes. Whether it…
Graphic of medical student, with stethoscope as a coronavirus molecule

On the front lines: Healthcare students deal with unique challenges during COVID-19

From new nurses being plunged into the respiratory wing fresh out of university to student pharmacists juggling personal wellbeing with professional obligations to public health,  healthcare-workers-in-training are dealing with unprecedented…
A tinkerine employee shows off a face shield, in front of boxes of face shields for the deaf and hard of hearing

B.C.-based company partnering with non-profit to provide face shields to deaf, hard of hearing community

Initiative aims to overcome communication challenges posed by traditional personal protective equipment In response to COVID-19, two B.C.-based organizations are producing face shields, a type of personal protective equipment (PPE)…
graphic of four birds on a computer

COVID-19 forcing in-class instruction to a halt left us all without closure

The last few weeks have taught me more about grief and anxiety than any class could Until a few weeks ago, no one could have anticipated that we would have…

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The Martlet
Student Union Building
Room B011
University of Victoria
3700 Finnerty Road
Victoria, B.C.
V8W 5C2