Asian Canadians have experienced dramatically higher levels of racial discrimination and violence since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. For many in the community, this has resulted in serious damage…
After a UVic professor read out a racial slur in class, renewed concerns are being raised about the role the university has in responding to and directly supporting students impacted…
A network of anti-racism resistance, support, and resources. On March 19, Resilience BC: Anti-Racism Network launched a new website that will provide support for anti-racism initiatives in communities across the…
Community-centered resilience is key in dismantling institutional oppressions In response to the Atlanta shootings last week, UVic President Kevin Hall put out a statement. Hall is committing to dismantling “these…
QAnon, Soldiers of Odin, and the KKK are just a few of the conspiracy and supremacy groups operating in Canada, while the infamous Proud Boys call this country home On…
Something that has been clear about healthcare in Canada for a long time is that it is, among many other services and institutions, an extremely unsafe place for Indigenous peoples.
One of the main buildings within Ring Road is being renamed to honour the outgoing UVic president, Jamie Cassels. Cassels worked at UVic for 40 years and will move on…