
Trust your gut 

Entrepreneurs have produced an array of probiotics claiming vaguely to ‘improve’ your microbiome. Do these products really work?

What are earthquakes, and can climate change cause them? 

Nissen says an earthquake is “a sudden release of stored elastic strain energy within the Earth caused by the motion of tectonic plates.”
living with water PICS

Living with Water project explores coastal adaptation plans to address rising sea levels

The UVic based Pacific Institute for Climate Solutions (PICS) launched the Living with Water project on Dec. 15th. This $1 million, four-year Theme Partnership Project connects teams of researchers who…
microscopic stock image, science journalism oped

Without science journalists, coverage of studies is lacking

Good science reporting shouldn’t be a rare commodity Two simple, innocuous sentences — and I flung my Canadian Press (CP) Stylebook across the room before diving into an internet search.…
behavioural psychology COVID-19 graphic

Investigating the behavioural psychology behind COVID-19 guidelines

What motivates people to follow public health guidelines? Will mask-wearing and physical distancing ever feel normal? The Martlet talks to two experts about the science behind our reactions to the…
science dropper

Undergraduate-led initiative calls for greater action on equity, diversity, and inclusion by UVic’s Faculty of Science

In the wake of the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement, two UVic undergraduate students noticed a marked absence of engagement with racism and its role in the world of science.…

The divide between art and science

From the perspective of a scientist At university, students are squeezed into categories on a daily basis. The classes we take begin to define and channel our thinking. We become…

It’s okay to study something different

Second annual Biomedical entrepreneurship day highlights academic diversity across campus — and that’s a good thing As someone handed me a lab coat and a pair of goggles, I thought…

Second annual BEEP day sparks innovation on campus

Students, researchers, and faculty came together to showcase work being done in UVic’s Biomedical Engineering department ‘Beep’ is a sound many scientists are familiar with hearing in labs, but the…

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University of Victoria
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Victoria, B.C.
V8W 5C2