
Mutual aid could mean a more sustainable life for your community

Mutual aid could mean a more sustainable life. Sustainability is rooted in our everyday actions, including how we support one another.

A look at the B.C. Climate Emergency Campaign’s open letter on climate change

BC Climate Emergency Campaign is a group of organizations uniting to hold the government accountable for climate policy and action.
dumpster diving

UVic students are dumpster diving to save money and reduce food waste

Rising food costs and environmental concerns are leading some students to dig deep into dumpsters, creating a community of urban scavengers trying to reduce Victoria’s food waste and their own…
A graphic of a heart with a sprout in the centre: graphic by SIe Douglas-Fish.

Five tips for living more sustainably

It can be hard to feel like any of the steps you take to be sustainable are actually accomplishing anything while mega-corporations are continuously exploiting the environment for gain and…

New show at SUPPLY invites the community to reimagine waste materials as tiny art works

On Saturday, Nov. 12, Pocket, curated by El MacIntyre, held its opening night at SUPPLY, Victoria's hub for recycled and reused art material.
A paper bag, container, and fruits and vegetables. Illustration by Sie Douglas-Fish.

Meal prepping and sustainable living doesn’t have to be a daunting task

With fall classes started, it can be easy to find yourself on campus rushed between classes and hungry, forcing you to turn to one of the many convenient food options…
Graphic of a recycle symbol and stacks of money and coins. Graphic by Sie Douglas-Fish.

Sustainability on a budget: lowering your carbon footprint without breaking the bank

Between electric cars, retrofits, heating pumps, and plant-based diets, there are plenty of ways to reduce your carbon footprint and live more sustainably. The federal and provincial governments have even…
West Coast Refill, photo by Sydney Lobe.

Climate-friendly shopping: Five local businesses to support in Victoria’s green scene

Employing environmental consciousness on an individual level can feel intimidating, but it doesn’t have to be. There are several businesses here in Victoria who are either trying to implement sustainable…
Photo of overflowing recycle bins in the UVic student union building, photo by Sie Douglas-Fish.

UVSS starts Ecofoot working group with goal of carbon neutrality

The UVSS is beginning the long road towards carbon neutrality. In spring 2021, the previous Board of Directors promised to make the SUB carbon neutral by 2040.

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The Martlet
Student Union Building
Room B011
University of Victoria
3700 Finnerty Road
Victoria, B.C.
V8W 5C2