Chief commissioner of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission has passed away

The TRC was a national inquiry in which commissioners heard the stories and experiences of residential school survivors — one of the commissioners being Murray Sinclair. 

Letter | UVic needs to walk the talk about reconciliation

UVic Pride has noticed that UVic is steadfast in identifying as an ally to Indigenous people but has failed to offer a response to one of the most significant bodies…

LETTER | To the UVic Board of Governors on denying support for the Unist’ot’en

As an institution supposedly committed to supporting the process of reconciliation, UVic must first reconcile its own complicity in silencing the voices of Indigenous matriarchs, and reconsider the decision to…

UVic hosts fourth annual Building Reconciliation Forum

“Education got us into this mess, so it’s education that has to get us out” Nearly 250 leading thinkers from universities, federal and regional governments, and Indigenous communities and governing…

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