
UVic’s IdeaFest showcases the university’s indigenous art

Master woodcarver of the Songhees Nation Butch Dick led the Aboriginal artwork tour at UVic on March 5, in conjunction with Assistant Professor of Indigenous Education Dr. Carmen Rodriguez de…

The Stephen Harper play

Who is Stephen Harper? Years from now we might be able to rattle off his policies, what he accomplished for Canada, and the majority of answers to Stephen Harper Jeopardy…

Low salmon returns make for hormonal bears

A recent study has uncovered that coastal grizzly bears are more prone to hostile behaviour when salmon numbers are low. The study, conducted by the University of Victoria, the University…

“The Skin of Our Teeth” at the Phoenix

The 1942 Pulitzer Prize winning play “The Skin of Our Teeth,” written by Thornton Wilder, is featured at Phoenix theatre this November. The play is about a family surviving through…

Water polo club working up to big tourney

The UVic water polo club brands itself as a great spot for beginners and experienced players. They are first and foremost a recreational club; something club Vice President and head…

A dim urban hum

On Oct. 4 and 7, UVic’s computing network experienced outages. UVic webmail, Moodle, online student resources, and UVic netdrive, amongst other online computing services, were all inaccessible. Undoubtedly, UVic’s computer…

Amelia and the Dwarfs not just child’s play

As someone slowly re-immersing himself into the world of theatre, I thought I’d start with a children’s play. I wasn’t prepared to also be stuffed into a child-sized seat. However,…

Imagine costs

Anyone who’s set foot on the UVic campus this term has most likely noticed the major construction project behind the McKinnon Gym. Though it may not look like much at…

University makes people jaded

During my time pursuing a liberal arts degree at the University of Victoria, I have met a great many honest, inspirational people. They will go on to change the way…

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