With summer just a few rainfalls away, the stress of job hunting is in full swing. To help the process along, here are some helpful tips and tricks to give…
The first eight spots for elected student representatives on the UVic Senate — which governs the university’s academic matters — have been filled by acclamation. The university will call for…
Students often raise their hands in class, for an assortment of reasons. We offer here a record of our writer’s observations to provide a taxonomy of the phenomenon.
"To echo the voices of the Indigenous youth in our community who peacefully held space in ceremony at the B.C Parliament Building for six days: reconciliation is dead. Long live…
A referendum question on the ballot in this year’s UVSS elections will ask students if they are willing to establish a fee levy to support the creation of open-source textbooks.…
On the evening of February 3, the UVSS Board of Directors met for the final time before their Semi-Annual General Meeting (SAGM) on Thursday, February 6.
Tuqa Al-Mosawi wants to increase the student fee levy for the World University Service of Canada Student Refugee Program that brought her to Canada. The program sponsors refugees who cannot…
On Jan. 16, the UVSS approved three questions to be posed to UVic students alongside the 2020 student society elections. One of the three questions will ask students whether they…