
Why Kolin Sutherland-Wilson can’t stay quiet

UVic student’s week-long protest draws attention to movement against pipeline project in northwestern B.C. It’s 1997, and Art Wilson has work to do. Art usually finds himself in the background,…

Tweetcap | Jan. 10 UVic Senate meeting

The Jan. 10 Senate meeting heard reports on Canada Research Chairs and the Victoria Forum. However, administrators could not guarantee a Board of Governors vote on Divestment this month.
snowman pic for local victoria businesses holiday season

UVic closed due to snow

The University of Victoria has announced it will be closed today due to snow. Tonight's scheduled event featuring Jordin Tootoo has been postponed.

The Dangle Dome: A new approach to Victoria housing

Behind the doors of a beautiful heritage mansion in Oak Bay are the lives of 13 young Victorians; some students, some community organizers, tree planters, and everything in between. Rather…

UVic welcomes rebranded mental health week to campus

This year, UVic has partnered with 15 on-campus groups to host 25 events for their sixth annual week-long mental health event, including a sold out keynote showcase with Jordin Tootoo.

Tweetcap | January 6 UVSS meeting

At their Jan. 6 UVSS Board Meeting, the Board of Directors talked about the Unist'ot'en land crisis and the development of a new 24/7 student help line for UVic.

UVic student killed in Iran plane crash

UVic student Roja Omidbakhsh was killed in a plane crash in Iran. Omidbakhsh was a first year Gustavson School of Business student, registered in what would have been her second…

Zap Copy gets a mural facelift

If you walk into Zap Copy today, you’ll see hand-painted bio-scenery splashed across a wall in the student-run print shop. The newest art mural at UVic, by Kay Gallivan, is…

Virtual reality allows UVic students to explore archaeological sites in Spain

Through the Department of Greek and Roman Studies, UVic students are using virtual reality technology to explore the archaeological sites Ilduro and Can Modollel, located near Barcelona, Spain.

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The Martlet
Student Union Building
Room B011
University of Victoria
3700 Finnerty Road
Victoria, B.C.
V8W 5C2