
vote B.C. snap election

Voter turnout 2.97 per cent for UVic Senate student elections

On Monday, April 8, the Office of the University Secretary released the election results from the race for student senators on the University of Victoria website. Of the 21 042…

LETTER | To the UVic Board of Governors on denying support for the Unist’ot’en

As an institution supposedly committed to supporting the process of reconciliation, UVic must first reconcile its own complicity in silencing the voices of Indigenous matriarchs, and reconsider the decision to…

Students blockade Michael Williams Building at UVic

A group of students formed a picket line at 7:30 a.m. on Friday, blockading UVic’s primary administrative building to protest the #UVic Board of Governors' international tuition hikes and continued…
Letter to the editor

LETTER | Canada was colonized based on racism and classism

To suggest that the proposed international student tuition fee hikes will further, or create, class divisions is a backward logic, and is just as much a fallacy as the dominant…

NEWS UNSETTLED | Addressing the bigger picture

As the Firekeeper of the Native Students Union, I started writing in this column for the sole purpose of pressuring the University of Victoria to address the injustices against the…

UVic’s Japanese Culture Club hosts first Japanese Equinox Festival

From the drums of the Uminari Taiko group that made the Michele Pujol room rumble to the Furusato Dancers twirling with branches of flowering cherry blossoms, the Japanese Equinox Festival,…

UVic celebrates launch of new Indigenous Studies major

On Mar. 14, inside the First Peoples House, the UVic Indigenous Studies department formally celebrated the launch of their new major program — a bachelor degree in the study of…

Out of psych: the human impact of UVic’s seven months without a general psychiatrist

In the seven months without a general psychiatrist at UVic, students reported being denied referrals and access to their files, were given misleading information about the available psychiatric care, and…

The Hippocrates tree

The University of Victoria campus is full of beautiful plants — a sight to behold in every season. Hippocrates, an ancient physician, supposedly taught lectures under a big Oriental Plane…

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The Martlet
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Room B011
University of Victoria
3700 Finnerty Road
Victoria, B.C.
V8W 5C2