Students barred from entering Michael Williams Building, labelled a “security threat” after Board of Governors meeting and protest

Shortly after a student rally for UVic’s divestment from fossil fuels at the Nov. 26 Board of Governors meeting, seven students walked to the Michael Williams Building to deliver letters…

Livestream, hiring committees on agenda at Nov.7 UVSS Meeting

The UVSS Board of Directors met for the second time in a week on Nov. 7 in order to discuss the hiring of a new Executive Director as well as…

Upcoming Accessibility Town Hall to help form province’s legislation on accessibility

The B.C. government is creating accessibility legislation, and wants students’ input. On Nov. 27, the UVSS and the Society for Students with a Disability are hosting an accessibility town hall…

Your UVSS Tweetcap for November 18

On a cold and rainy evening in November, the UVSS Board of Directors met to discuss their recent initiatives, upcoming events, and hummus.

UVSS Nov. 4 Board of Directors meeting recap

In a brisk meeting, the UVSS board welcomed a new representative to the table, and made a promise to object a Saanich council bylaw restricting the number of unrelated people…

EDITORIAL | We’ll do fine without the UVSS’s AGM ads. But will they?

At the UVSS Annual General Meeting, the UVSS board passed a motion to eliminate requirements for UVSS AGMs and SAGMs to be advertised on notice boards and in the Martlet.…

Quorum maintained throughout 2019 UVSS Annual General Meeting

Quorum was maintained at the 2019 UVSS Annual General Meeting, allowing for the completion of the entire agenda for the first time in four years.

SOCC sends formal request to move into VIPIRG’s old room in SUB

The Students of Colour Collective (SOCC) has issued a formal request to the University of Victoria Student Society (UVSS) to move into room B122 of the SUB.

Candidates clash at all-candidates forum in Vertigo Lounge

With the federal election kicking into high gear, the UVSS, the Martlet, Elect Her, the Political Science Course Union, and the Get Out The Vote campaign partnered to host an…

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The Martlet
Student Union Building
Room B011
University of Victoria
3700 Finnerty Road
Victoria, B.C.
V8W 5C2