by Chelsea Wilson | Mar 26, 2015 | Lifestyle, Sports | Lifestyle
Making your own liquid hand soap is easier than it sounds and a great way to be kinder to your body, the environment, and your wallet. Natural bar soaps — try Lifestyle Markets or your local healthfood store — and essential oils can be used to create a non-toxic...
by Chelsea Wilson | Mar 12, 2015 | Culture, Events, Food | Drink
Spring is just around the corner—although it looks like it has already begun in Victoria. With spring comes farmers markets, which are fun places to spend a sunny afternoon listening to local musicians, eating awesome food, and of course, meeting local farmers and...
by Chelsea Wilson | Feb 5, 2015 | Lifestyle, Sports | Lifestyle
Smell is the sense most intimately connected with both memory and emotion. Valentine’s Day is a good opportunity to learn how to use scent to create a sensual environment, but essential oils can be used any time to help you bond with your partner or create a healthier...
by Chelsea Wilson | Oct 23, 2014 | Lifestyle, Sports | Lifestyle
Impress your friends this Halloween by creating your own prosthetics. A mixture of liquid latex and oatmeal can be turned into an infected wound for a gruesome zombie costume. Try using eyelash glue to create extra scarring. With a quick trip to the Halloween store...
by Chelsea Wilson | Sep 25, 2014 | Lifestyle, Sports | Lifestyle
Essential oils can be useful for many aspects of student life (concentration, sleep and immunity) but, as with all natural remedies, they should be used carefully. Distribution of natural remedies is not heavily regulated and products are often sold without associated...