by Pia Araneta | Apr 2, 2015 | Lifestyle, Sports | Lifestyle
Now, upon first hearing the term “DivaCup,” one would naturally assume that I’m referring to some kind of exclusive rhinestone chalice, crafted for human Barbie dolls or a fancy pre-drink, but that’s where you’re wrong. It’s better than that. It’s so much better than...
by Pia Araneta | Mar 26, 2015 | Opinions
We’ve come a long way since the days of culturally prescribed celibacy, heterosexuality, and discretion, and now, here we are — at the pinnacle of the butt revolution. They’re everywhere I go. Kim Kardashian’s ass is telling me I’m not good enough; fitness...
by Pia Araneta | Mar 19, 2015 | Lifestyle, Sports | Lifestyle
“Vajazzling”—the trend where women bejewel their vaginas—has become one of my fascinations. It’s a fancy way of telling your crotch: “Hey, you know, you’ve always been there for me. Let me make it up to you by sparkling the crap out of you.” This genital adornment...
by Pia Araneta | Mar 5, 2015 | Opinions
“What’s this?” I turn around to my guy friend, fumbling with a protruding object under my bed sheets. He holds up my vibrator and it takes us both a second to realize what he just discovered. Screaming. So much screaming. Cue mental black out. I felt as if he just...
by Pia Araneta | Mar 5, 2015 | Humour, Stories | Satire
Friday festivities at Lucky Bar were abruptly halted when local student Brittany Harp cut into the washroom lineup. The 22-year-old, who suffers from Advanced Resting Bitch Face (ARBF), was reportedly unaccompanied by another female when the incident took place, and...