Victoria’s 2018 Integrate Festival thrills for another year Among the slew of music festivals, concerts, events, and other summer festivities in Victoria, a unique event dedicated to the arts flourishes…
UVSS hosts week of activities starting Wednesday Sept. 5 There will be plenty of reasons to step into the Student Union Building (SUB) during your time as a UVic student — maybe…
Pepper spray, pink dresses, and airports — all you need, really Like many great stories, Jon Bennett: How I Learned to Hug begins in an airport. In the play, Bennett manages to…
Your last chance saloon picks for what to watch this weekend Kitt & Jane: An Interactive Survival Guide to the Near-Post-Apocalyptic Future Kitt & Jane return to the Victoria Fringe…
Passenger scours North America for a place to belong in latest record Runaway It’s been a few years since the mega hit “Let Her Go,” but now English singer-songwriter Passenger has…
Four teens, a mom, and a rabbi walk into a fitting room . . . The Fitting Room has returned to the stage for this year’s Fringe festival, revised and refreshed. The work…
Canada’s longest-running craft beer tasting festival is back Every year, Royal Athletic Park is filled to the brim with a mix of over 9000 locals and tourists visiting one of…
The streets of Victoria are filled with two things — tourists and buskers. The latter are pretty interesting, it turns out On any given summer day, Alyssa Jean Klazek can be found…