Few reactions are more intense and encompassing than those Featurecast gets at Shambhala, where he’s become a beloved figure with his many past appearances.
[8tracks width=”300″ height=”250″ playops=”” url=”http://8tracks.com/mixes/4143446″] It’s summer time, and that means it’s time to drink sangria and listen to mood-setting tunes. All you need is a pitcher of your favourite…
Having listened to Edmonton-based singer/songwriter Kaley Bird’s latest album before our interview, it was clear that the honest voice on the album was the same one talking to me on…
These days, the bloated, lifeless corpse of rock and roll is inescapable. Our radios have been given over to mediocrity and dreamless sleep, with very little sustenance for our desperate,…
Island-based gypsy folk artists Dirty Grace came together in a natural, easy way. Vocalist/guitarist Betty Supple recalls the origins of the group. “Marley (Daemon) and I were both in a…
Real Estate returns with their third album Atlas in a way that feels much like visiting home after a long, life-altering absence. Going to college, getting married, having kids. Growing…