Visual Arts

‘Elgami’ uses programming for fashion design

The ever-changing fashion industry revolves around presenting new clothes six months before they hit the stores—an impractical but traditional way of presenting new collections. UVic alumni Martin Erlic is pioneering…

Vulnerability on display

Despite near arrests and misunderstandings, she perseveres. “It’s both liberating and painful, and difficult and challenging. I feel scared about doing it,” she said. “I’m protesting my own culture, but…

Art exhibit demonstrates breadth of modern Coast Salish art

Entering Perpetual Salish at the Legacy Art Gallery, one is introduced to a new artistic landscape. The show features pieces from five contemporary Indigenous artists, who all originate from Central…

A neighbourhood in stop motion

Fernwood Animation Project draws community support

Story Booth unveils Victoria’s untold mythologies

Since May, artist-in-residence Aubrey Burke has transformed this cozy space into a hub for sharing personal narratives, oral histories, and contemporary mythologies from the Greater Victoria community.

Public art in Victoria

“The difference between sanctioned and unsanctioned art is not just a question of legality. It’s more a question of what kinds of artworks get funding from the city or get…

Summer art adventures

Integrate Arts Festival running from August 15-16

An honest exhibition of girls in art

A collection of artwork depicting girls past and present is on display from now until Oct. 5 at the Art Gallery of Greater Victoria. Girls: Historical Portraits from the Collection…

Comfort is key at Couch* art gallery

After interrupting a Friday evening of wine and friends, Tanya Horn and Ian Scanlan, a newly married couple, sat before me on the very couch that shaped the character of…

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The Martlet
Student Union Building
Room B011
University of Victoria
3700 Finnerty Road
Victoria, B.C.
V8W 5C2