
UVic “Modern Love” Stories

These essays, true to the theme of this issue, concern sex, gender, and love. They range from hilarious to tearjerking, and represent a variety of lived experiences — no two…

Tough Love

Fate placed our university dorms side-by-side, causing us to meet again for the first time since infancy. Mabel and I bonded when the toilet overflowed into our rooms.

Answers in God’s Country

A couple of days before leaving for Nakusp, I’d broken up with my girlfriend Mandy in her room — surprising, in a way, us both.

Dancing with Hearts

By the time I’ve gotten the grade back for my story, an A+ (let’s go), I’m signed up to perform at the same show Robyn will be in. It’ll be…

Feminist Film Club

I hate to reference Bruno Mars, but after meeting my best friends I feel like I had been locked out of heaven. For too lo-oo-o-oo-ong.

Deal or No Deal

That’s the reality of losing yourself to the apps. You begin to treat yourself like clickbait. How can I grab their attention? How can I get a response? How can…

ORCASat: How UVic students took an idea from campus to space

At 3 a.m. on Dec. 29, 2022 Levente Buzás counted down the seconds until ORCASat would be released into space.
What is BeReal

Let’s BeReal: How authentic are we online?

Touted as “not another social network,” BeReal has recently been at the centre of discussions about showing our authentic selves in the social media realm. The question is, is it…

So you think you can afford a home in Victoria?

Our writer broke down how much it costs to live in Victoria — one of Canada’s most expensive cities — after graduation. The cost of living in Victoria is barely…

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The Martlet
Student Union Building
Room B011
University of Victoria
3700 Finnerty Road
Victoria, B.C.
V8W 5C2