
Liz & Grizz #7: “Veggietales”

COMIC: Smith vs. Smith #2

For more Smith vs. Smith, head to

Valentine’s Day coupons for you and yours

Frantically searching for a last minute gift for your loved one that will perfectly articulate those feelings you’ve been feeling? The Martlet has covered. Cut out any and all of…

Lunar eclipse means Valentine’s Day horoscopes not so ideal

With the lunar eclipse occurring right before Valentine’s Day, everything appears to have gone wack this year. From incest to crippling loneliness to possible death, looking to the stars for…

COMIC: Smith vs. Smith #1

More Smith vs. Smith can be found at

Chicken soup for the feverish soul

Ingredients: 1 chicken breast 1 package of noodles, owner unknown (but it’s probably your roommate’s) 2 cups of water 1 cup of vegetable broth (definitely stolen from your roommate) 1…

Canada to fly advertising banner over Trump inauguration

In a bold attempt to increase immigration from south of the 49th parallel, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has announced that the federal government will be flying an advertising banner over…

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Room B011
University of Victoria
3700 Finnerty Road
Victoria, B.C.
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