
Adult basic education in focus at board meeting

The public portion of the May 25 UVSS board meeting was mostly devoted to presentations by the B.C. chapter of the Canadian Federation of Students (CFS-BC) and CFUV, UVic’s campus…

BoG Shorts May 26 – On the cutting edge

The UVic Board of Governors convened the morning of May 26 for an enthusiastic open session which saw discussion of recent developments including the launch of the UVic Edge branding…

Climate change a generational issue, says Suzuki

On May 30, Dr. David Suzuki spoke at the Mary Winspear Centre in Sidney about his latest book, Letters to My Grandchildren. The book is written in conversational-styled letters to…

Q&A with David Suzuki

  The Martlet spoke with Dr. David Suzuki ahead his speaking event in Sidney on May 30 to get some insight into his latest book, Letters to My Grandchildren. During…

Photo: UVic students visit Coast Guard vessel

On April 10, UVic grad students and MEOPeers led by David Atkinson were invited to tour the CCGS (Canadian Coast Guard Ship) Sir Wilfrid Laurier, which was moored in Patricia…

Visual Arts chair halts hiring, calls for equity review

The University of Victoria’s search for two tenure-track assistant professors in the Visual Arts department has been put on hold for an equity review in light of concerns raised around…

New UVSS board convenes for first meeting

The SUB board room was filled with plenty of new faces this Monday as the newly elected Involve slate took their seats at 6 p.m. for the first board meeting…

Senate meets for final term

Academic standards and Strategic Research Plan key

CARSA races to the finish line

Cassels emphasizes that CARSA is a step forward for the university. “It’s a big investment in students. Recreational opportunities, [and] active, healthy living is a fundamental part of personal success…

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The Martlet
Student Union Building
Room B011
University of Victoria
3700 Finnerty Road
Victoria, B.C.
V8W 5C2