This past Saturday, UVic engineers gathered in ECS to compete in UVEC, the University of Victoria Engineering Competition. The one-day event, consisting of team competitions in various disciplines, was a qualifying…
The weather on July 2 may have been pleasant, but it wasn’t all sunshine and rainbows at the ribbon-cutting ceremony for the newly-painted rainbow crosswalk on UVic’s ring road. Speeches…
In light of the extreme drought in California, Kalen Harris, owner of Shatterbox Coffee downtown, has started brewing up hemp milk as an alternative to almond milk. The world’s obsession…
The Liquor Distribution Board (LDB) of B.C. changed its pricing model on beer, with the previous three-tiered system falling to the wayside. A wholesale model was introduced in April and…
It was a low-key meeting for the Board of Directors on June 22, with much of it being held in camera. There was no public update on the UVSS’s excluded…
The UVSS board will be undergoing a restructuring of their excluded management structure, according to a memo released to UVSS full-time staff on June 11. There are no further plans…
The Martlet spoke with Dr. David Suzuki ahead his speaking event in Sidney on May 30 to get some insight into his latest book, Letters to My Grandchildren. During the…
While Victoria metalheads prepare to bang their heads upon the arrival of Pacific Northwest folk metal outfit Agalloch, those who prefer some academia with their riffs are invited to Weaving…
We had just put the Martlet to bed, and were downstairs in the old Student Union Building Lounge. It was April 13, 1985, the last staff meeting of the year…