
Community Cabbage throws down on local food waste

UVic club partnering with local grocery stores

Board shorts Feb. 2: paid leave for UVSS execs

FEDERAL STUDENT LOBBYING Director of External Relations Greg Atkinson invited Jonathan Champagne, the Executive Director of the Canadian Alliance of Student Associations (CASA), to speak at the meeting. CASA, formed…

Bargaining between UVic FA and the administration continues

Mediation brought in, gag order issued

Island Sexual Health Clinic overcomes funding shortfalls

After dealing with inadequate funding in 2014, the Island Sexual Health Clinic (ISHC) on Quadra Street says that they are in a much better financial situation after deliberate staff changes and…

Bog shorts Jan. 27: UVic to increase student mobility

ANNOUNCEMENTS The Board of Governors began their meeting by welcoming the new Chancellor, Shelagh Rogers, to her first official Board meeting in office. Michael Kennedy spoke briefly about the Campus…

Qualms over quorum at UVSS general meetings

At the Semi-Annual General Meeting (SAGM) on Feb. 5, the UVSS will put forward a motion to amend bylaw 4.9, which speaks to quorum requirements at general meetings. Currently, the…

UVSS hosts marijuana legalization debate

The University of Victoria’s Student Society will host a panel discussion on marijuana legalization on Feb. 4 at 7 p.m. in the Farquhar Auditorium. The discussion will be led by…

UVSS candidates announced

The candidates for the upcoming UVSS elections have officially been announced. Returning candidates include Kayleigh Erickson, who will be running for Chair on the Refresh UVic slate, and Kaylee Szakacs, who…

Divestment opens dialogue at UVic

On Jan. 26, the University of Victoria hosted a dialogue on climate change, divestment, and society. Moderated by Pacific Institute for Climate Solutions Executive Director Thomas Pedersen, the forum featured…

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University of Victoria
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