Why are diabetics are more vulnerable to stroke damage than non-diabetics? According to UVic researchers, cancer drugs improve stroke recovery in mice, a promising breakthrough that will hopefully improve the…
The world is facing a major ecological crisis in climate change, yet very few seem fazed by it. Dr. Robert Gifford, a professor of psychology and environmental studies at the…
Former prime minister Paul Martin joined Gordon Smith for a wide-ranging discussion at the Bob Wright Centre at UVic on June 2. The lectures marked the first in a series…
Members of the University of Victoria Students’ Society (UVSS) met on May 13 to discuss ongoing progress of the SUB renovations, as the Vertigo renovations near completion. During the meeting,…
Spare chairs propped open the doors to the UVic Senate chambers as members and non-members alike gathered for their last meeting of the 2013-14 year, held on May 2. The…
The University of Victoria will host the 28th annual Western Canadian Undergraduate Chemistry Conference (WCUCC) in the Bob Wright Centre, which unites undergraduate chemistry and biochemistry students from universities across the…