On Feb. 27, NDP MPs Randall Garrison and Murray Rankin hosted a public consultation in Victoria on the 2015 Anti-Terrorism Act, commonly referred to as Bill C-51. Garrison and Rankin…
On Feb. 24, University of Victoria president Jamie Cassels unveiled UVic Edge, a new way of defining the university to prospective and current members of the UVic community—“A critical new…
If you’ve been avoiding student politics for this last year (and we don’t blame you) but still want to vote, look no further than this handy compendium.
Mental Health Current UVSS Chairperson Kayleigh Erickson is running for re-election as part of Refresh UVic. “I promised students I would give it my all, and I did,” she said.…
Student Engagement Prior to working for the UVSS this year as a Research and Communications Officer, Brontë Renwick-Shields said she was unaware of the resources available to students at the…