
UVic’s Ocean Networks Canada heads to China for international partnerships

Ocean Networks Canada (previously called the ONC Centre for Enterprise and Engagement) is a world-leading national research facility, based at the University of Victoria, that specializes in deep-sea observation programs…

Student questions summer fees

UVic students may not be getting their fees’ worth, especially in summer, says third-year philosophy student Yan Rakhmilov. A student who takes three or more courses within a term, whether…

Chief Bev Sellars shares her story of residential school

On Sept. 16, Chief Bev Sellars of Soda Creek First Nation will perform a reading from her book They Called Me Number One: Secrets and Survival at an Indian Residential…

Changing demographics suggest greater need for donor blood

Canadian Blood Services reports that every year the organization sees a two per cent increase in the demand for blood donations and approximately every minute someone in Canada is in…

Quebec premier proposes religious-neutrality legislation

On Sept. 10, the Parti Québécois (PQ) presented details of its proposed Quebec Values Charter.  This legislation would “reportedly ban all public-sector employees from wearing religious symbols [at work] and…

Canadian Senate on the table for reform, after misconduct

When Parliament resumes in October, there will be tough questions about the fate of the Canadian Senate. Public figures including federal Opposition Leader Tom Mulcair are calling for the abolishment…

Bus route changes to affect student commute

When UVic students returned to school on Sept. 4, they had 69 extra bus trips per week to choose from, according to Meribeth Burton, corporate spokesperson for B.C. Transit. While…

What’s an ombudsperson?

A proponent of fairness for all
The centre block of the federal Parliament Buildings in Ottawa

Federal government to write off more student loan debt

Write-offs to total $175 million in 2013-2014

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Room B011
University of Victoria
3700 Finnerty Road
Victoria, B.C.
V8W 5C2