
UVic expert explains the science behind salmonella 

“The Class A branding on eggs means that they’ve gone through testing for various pathogens, including Salmonella,” he said. Since chickens aren’t vaccinated against the disease in North America, eggs…

The only swim club for adults with disabilities is at risk of losing its home

The recent closure of pools across Victoria such as Crystal Pool, the UVic McKinnon pool, and the upcoming possible closure of the Downtown YMCA, have left swimmers like the Spirit…

Local initiative seeks to map 1 000 rain gardens on southern Vancouver Island

While mapping rain gardens is the current project, Daniel told the Martlet that RUSH plans to map more kinds of green infrastructure and community supports — including canopy coverage, food…

New campus security uniforms leave UVic students guessing: Is it CSEC or police?

“There’s not a distinction between the two, and that’s a little bit suspicious,” said UVic student Jo. “I’m of a privileged demographic where I don’t really have issues with the…

The SSD is bringing back its popular cooking classes

Donaldson told the Martlet that the suspension, enacted ahead of SSD’s 2024–2025 budget, was in response to a pivot in financial planning due to the end of the COVID-19 pandemic. 

UVic’s first-ever ‘Global Village’ will bring students and cultures together

“If you’re from Switzerland and you have something you want to share … we want to experience that. If you are from Kazakhstan and have something from your culture you…

‘It’s about time’

“What I genuinely think needs to happen is that all of the parties need to replace their leaders,” Jo said. In their view, Trudeau, NDP leader Jagmeet Singh, and Conservative…

Vikes basketball previews for season’s second half

On paper, the Vikes should be able to easily handle TWU on Jan. 10 and 11 coming out of the break. TWU sits at fourth in the division, with a…

Victoria bands and musicians are looking beyond local for places to play

“It's always a bit of a struggle in Victoria because there aren't that many venues in the first place.” Marshman said. “We're kind of at a point right now with…

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