
News Unsettled Native Students Union column

The Vancouver Police Department has consistently met Indigenous land defenders with hostility, but sit idly by while ‘Freedom’ marches occur

Colonizers have been spreading disease for decades, but Indigenous rights are where they draw the line The night of March 12-13, 2021, the Vancouver Police Department (VPD) violently arrested two…
Sexualized Violence

Women are not responsible for making sure they are not the victims of sexual assault

Sarah Everard investigation opens up conversation about all forms of gender-based violence Readers should be advised that the following article discusses sexualized and gender-based violence, including sexual assault.  In the…
Zoom Meetings

Is online learning the future of education? I hope not

My experiences with online learning have been irritating and impeded my success I was recently listening to a podcast about machine learning and education, in which Charles Isbell, a professor…

UVic, let’s go beyond anti-racism workshops and towards structural changes

Community-centered resilience is key in dismantling institutional oppressions In response to the Atlanta shootings last week, UVic President Kevin Hall put out a statement. Hall is committing to dismantling “these…
Letter to the editor

Letter to the Editor: UVSS ties fees to economic/inflationary uncertainty

Letter to the Editor submitted by Jacob Macauley: As a past member of the UVic Bank of Canada (BOC) Challenge team that’s presented in front of the Bank’s leading economists,…

Statement from the Editor regarding Hazam Nasir’s disqualification

Hazam Nasir has been disqualified from the UVSS Elections. Nasir was originally running for the Director of Student Affairs position. The UVSS electoral office ruled that he defamed his opponent,…

Letter to the Editor: “At least we’re better than Trump” isn’t going to cut it anymore

Letter to the Editor by Laurel Collins. Collins is the Member of Parliament for Victoria. President Biden extended the student loan payment freeze on his first day in office. Since…

UVSS candidates should focus their promises on achievable, and badly needed, ways of supporting students

From petting zoos to two-ply paper, we’ve seen enough empty promises We are about to enter the quietest UVSS election campaign yet. With on-campus chalking, in-person campaigning, slates, and cooperatives…
Christopher Driscoll

Reflections of a student journalist: just write!

Writing for a paper may seems daunting, but it is so important What do we think about when we think about student journalism? Better yet, what sort of titles come…

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The Martlet
Student Union Building
Room B011
University of Victoria
3700 Finnerty Road
Victoria, B.C.
V8W 5C2