Don’t blame the common Westerner for misunderstanding Ukraine; blame world leaders, and media outlets that churn out ignorant views about Ukraine and its people. Ukraine is not merely some card…
After three months of mostly peaceful protesting and several days of violent repression, the one-time president of Ukraine, Viktor Yanukoych, has abruptly abandoned his post in favour of safer havens.…
University and college cost thousands of dollars, and education is expected as a rite of passage for young people in our society. When there’s no financial support from family, and…
At some point in the pursuit of higher education, everyone must choose which direction to take. Often people start by sampling everything, and then later shift into a more specialized…
On Feb. 23, the Internet video service Netflix announced that it had reached an agreement with American Internet service provider (ISP) giant Comcast, whereby it would pay for direct access…
UVic Greens’ Statement on the UVSS Election March 3rd, 2014 The UVic Greens would like to extend a big thank you to all the candidates for running for student government…
Refocus on ferries On Feb. 5, the B.C. government released its report on a round of public consultations on ferry service. The report states that a majority of respondents opposed…
While I have been supremely lucky in my experiences at the University of Victoria, it isn’t a school that favours its Humanities or Fine Arts programs. It’s a school very…
Pooh-poohing the prospects of journalism is fashionable these days. Newspapers are collapsing by the dozens. Those that don’t simply disappear are snapped up by self-described philanthropists such as the Washington…