
Editorial: Obama offers Canada environmental wakeup

Last month, Prime Minister Stephen Harper sent a letter to U.S. President Barack Obama, hoping to team up on an oil industry environmental strategy. Obama replied that he would only…

Editorial: Crosswalk woes

Students rush to school by various modes of transportation, including driving, cycling, walking and, of course, busing. Those new to UVic may notice the frequent holdups due to congestion consisting…

Editorial: Sealed government records compromise the right to know

On Sept. 28, International Right to Know Day will be celebrated in 40 countries around the world. Its purpose is to “raise awareness of an individual’s right to access government information,…

Editorial: On hiding hides

Is your body decent? Ideally, a human body is a vessel for life, but mainstream ideals of attractiveness and cultural decency put many further judgments and restrictions on our bodies.

Editorial: Harper trades away Canadian rights

Man, isn’t democracy great? It’s so nice to be able to elect a prime minister who can take care of all that confusing policy and just manage the country for…

Editorial: Don’t mess with Sesame Street

What did Big Bird ever do to you, Mitt Romney? North America has been full of fervour ever since Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney’s statement that he would cut funding…

Editorial: B.C.’s job market: not so rosy

What do job statistics even mean? They can be good at capturing general career trends, but it’s hard to get a detailed story about what’s happening with certain careers.

Editorial: Public shootings hit closer to home

The recent tragic shooting at the victory party for Quebec’s new PQ premier, Pauline Marois, was highly disturbing — well beyond the fact that it left innocent victims in its…

Editorial: The best parts of being a UVic student

If UVic, or any other post-secondary institution in town deserves a “best-of” for anything, it’s for being located in Victoria.

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University of Victoria
3700 Finnerty Road
Victoria, B.C.
V8W 5C2