
UVSS candidates should focus their promises on achievable, and badly needed, ways of supporting students

From petting zoos to two-ply paper, we’ve seen enough empty promises We are about to enter the quietest UVSS election campaign yet. With on-campus chalking, in-person campaigning, slates, and cooperatives…
Divest UVic protest photo

UVic’s divestment shouldn’t come as a surprise

UVic’s divestment of $80 million from the Working Capital Fund was a welcome surprise for many. One year into their ten-year responsible investment policy, the board of governors announced a…
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When it comes to COVID-19 guidelines, students are rightfully confused

For almost two months, B.C. has had tightened restrictions in place to control the spread of COVID-19, including a ban on social gatherings. On Jan. 7, these restrictions were extended…
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It’s time to renew our COVID-19 vows

Well ‘rona, we all figured we would be writing this eventually, we just didn’t know when. Everyone seems to have forgotten about you or put you in the backs of…
David Strong Building with COVID-19 notices on the doors

Give students a break

But although reading break is a welcome breather, the reality is that students and professors need more than just three days — we need less work.
uvic michael williams building

Dear Mr. President: A Martlet welcome to Kevin Hall

The students, faculty, and staff here are passionate and unafraid of raising issues that are important to them. In the past two years, students and faculty have asked the university…
pumpkin wearing a mask for halloween in victoria article

COVID-19 is scary, but don’t let it stop you from enjoying Halloween in Victoria

Halloween in Victoria will look a little different this year due to the continued COVID-19 pandemic. Thankfully, there are still many safe and probably healthier ways to celebrate the fall’s…
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We can’t let our sense of community be another casualty of COVID-19

For first-year students, the start of the semester is often seen as a critical time to dive into campus life and find new friendships at clubs day, in the quad,…
cartoon of homeless person on bench, Victoria Native Friendship Centre closes

It’s time to change the conversation around homelessness

Victoria is facing a homelessness crisis. However, instead of empathy and solutions, the city’s most vulnerable have been levelled with accusations that they are lazy, dangerous drug addicts who ca

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The Martlet
Student Union Building
Room B011
University of Victoria
3700 Finnerty Road
Victoria, B.C.
V8W 5C2