
An open letter on Bill 41

To Minister Wilkinson, The University of Victoria Students’ Society strongly opposes sections of the proposed amendments to the University Act and the College and Institute Act contained in Bill 41.…

Letter to the editor: From one generation to another

This is a rally cry from my generation to yours to vote in this critical upcoming federal election. Under the current prime minister, our country is heading backwards when we…

An open letter to the UVSS Board of Directors

Dear Board of Directors, On Aug. 24, I attended what was presumed to be a regularly scheduled board meeting, which are held, according to the UVSS website, “twice a month…

Letter to the editor: More to Atticus Finch than simple bigotry

Since the release of Harper Lee’s “sequel” Go Set A Watchman, many are disillusioned to learn that Atticus Finch, the hero of To Kill A Mockingbird, turned out to be…

Letter to the editor: Rainbow crosswalk vandalized

Editor’s note: This letter was previously published on July 2 on the author’s Facebook page as a public note. It has been edited from its original source for publication here.…

Camosun College Student Society sounds off on CFS controversy

In response to the CFS national chairperson’s assertions in your article, we must confess we are deeply troubled. While we cannot verify all of those assertions to be untrue, we…

Letters: April 2, 2015

Student activism out of control I am writing to register my surprise at seeing a good-faith effort at promoting green, healthy means of transportation disparaged because it was not sufficiently…

Letters: UVic Sustainability Project—In Action!

In 1999, two environmental studies students on campus questioned why our campus was creating so much waste, so they dug deeper. They needed qualitative and credible evidence, so they conducted…

Letter from the editor

If you have stories of romance, of heartbreak, of loss, or of intrigue to those with Valentine’s on their minds, email volunteer@martlet.ca with your pitches.

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University of Victoria
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Victoria, B.C.
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