Hypocritically, I guess, I have become indifferent to Miley Cyrus’s behaviour as I type this. But now I’ve committed myself to fuelling her publicity once again. Cyrus has made her…
One-night stands are among the most taboo of weekend activities. It is difficult to go through university life without this topic being presented in some form. It is a slang…
When we say love, what are we talking about? Porn is easy to find. Music videos are more and more explicit. The ‘hook-up’ has become accepted and normal. As I…
It’s no Earth-shattering discovery that when two things come together and they work, the results can be awesome. Whether it’s the composition of sounds in your new favorite song or…
Josef Méthot Fourth year Medieval Studies “I think the fact that it is so available is really challenging to our society. It’s challenging to our depth of sexuality. I think…
Ukraine as a nation is young. But as a landscape under the heavy shadows of the mighty Russian bear and the critical European eye, it is very old. Its current…
I would like to express my full support for Ezra Karmel’s Jan. 23 article, “Hamas is not al-Qaeda,” and I believe his position is also supported by a Supreme Court…
“What are you studying?” There is nothing inherently wrong with this line of questioning; however, the problem occurs when I answer. I usually begin with, “I am pursuing my Doctorate…