
Science and faith: where does one end and the other begin?

On Sept. 26, 2013, the Kansas City Star reported that a group called Citizens for Objective Public Education (COPE) is suing the Kansas State Education Board for adopting new guidelines…

A sore green thumb

“Who would like to receive diamonds in their lifetime?” Professor CindyAnn Rose-Redwood was lecturing about the European colonization of Africa and the resulting social and environmental exploitation. Conflict diamonds are…


[Clarification: This opinion article was prompted in response to the off-leash dog park attached to UVic campus, primarily takes issue with the allocation of resources and care of public areas,…

Undesirables, by whose standards?

I live downtown in a condo governed by a strata council. A month ago, the strata council sent tenants a letter that detailed the list of “pests” we were attracting…

Should the Olympics impose popular values?

When discriminatory notions result in malevolent action against certain groups, they should be reassessed by those in positions of power. The new law passed by the Russian government, which incriminates…

The finest news money can buy?

Is journalistic integrity now for sale in our culture? On Tuesday, Oct. 8, 2013, the outside wrap of the Times Colonist ran an advertisement, on the front page, in a…

Fear and loathing on campus

Prelude to conflict Today at its Oct. 17 Annual General Meeting (AGM), the University of Victoria Students’ Society’s (UVSS) directors will request a mandate to ban certain pamphlets, which are…

University makes people jaded

During my time pursuing a liberal arts degree at the University of Victoria, I have met a great many honest, inspirational people. They will go on to change the way…

Just how grizzly is the trophy hunt?

It’s hard to imagine anyone feeling a sense of pride as they walk away from a skinned grizzly bear: missing its noble head and all four of its powerful paws,…

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