
You’re not old, you’re just impatient

How did we get to a point where a 20-something-year-old can feel like a middle-aged adult?

The battle of cultures

Canada is a tapestry of different ethnicities and cultures. Our immigration policy has given people all over the world a chance to experience life in a developed country. And boy…



Editorial: On hiding hides

Is your body decent? Ideally, a human body is a vessel for life, but mainstream ideals of attractiveness and cultural decency put many further judgments and restrictions on our bodies.

Beneath the Great Bear Rainforest

For the better part of four years, I have been held captive by the area on the north-central coast of British Columbia...



Where does our information come from?

Recommended research papers looking at Goldcorp’s human rights record

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The Martlet
Student Union Building
Room B011
University of Victoria
3700 Finnerty Road
Victoria, B.C.
V8W 5C2