
Say no or give another go?

A student diner’s guide to restaurants

Why quality photos matter more than ever

On the Chicago Sun-Times layoffs

Editorial: Don’t eat cheap meat

There may be a darker side to friends relaxing in the sun and playing a game or three of backyard bocce while noshing a hot dog.

Social responsibility or slick public relations?

One of Canada’s largest mining companies, Goldcorp, has already invested enormous sums in a public relations campaign to improve its corporate image through partnerships with NGOs and gifts to public…

UVic’s responsibility to advocate for corporate social responsibility

Can the UVic community work towards a clear understanding of corporate social responsibility?

A nursing perspective on Goldcorp in Guatemala

Each year, students are invited to visit San Miguel Ixtahuacán, a community in the San Marcos district, to learn about the impact of the Marlin Mine.


Month of June

The alternative for investment

Enbridge’s proposed pipeline project is causing considerable unrest in the province, creating undue stress on First Nations groups that are opposed to these developments.

The Escobar Mine

The latest news coming from Guatemala related to Escobar Mine could give us a glimpse of what Goldcorp currently does with regards to social and environmental concerns around their latest…

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The Martlet
Student Union Building
Room B011
University of Victoria
3700 Finnerty Road
Victoria, B.C.
V8W 5C2