
A beef cow in grassland with a cowboy hat and a steak, graphic by Sie Douglas-Fish.

Going vegetarian won’t save the planet

"Becoming a vegetarian is one of the easiest ways to reduce your carbon footprint and live a more sustainable lifestyle."
News Unsettled Native Students Union column

Pishshapmishko pi maarsii

This is my last News Unsettled and my way of saying farewell. I joined the Native Students Union (NSU) three years ago. It was at the fall Semi-Annual General Meeting…
Alexis Elliott, photo by Isabella Kennedy.

Finding community at UVic

Why I’m thankful to have found the Native Students Union (NSU) I spent my first year at the University of Victoria (UVic) isolated from the Indigenous community on campus. I…
Longhouse, photo provided by Leandra Ndayifukamiye.

The longhouse

Why were there so many more sunny days when I was younger? It felt brighter, more joyous, and peaceful. Living in the Fraser Valley often feels miserable when the sun…

Métis in the city

I began to reconnect with my Métis culture on a Saturday in the final year of my undergrad. In my first years at university, I learned as much as I…
News Unsettled Native Students Union column

Problems in the meetings with the Pope

On March 28, delegates from the Métis and Inuit people reached the Vatican City and met with Pope Francis in private meetings. The following week there were more audiences with…

45 cent minimum wage increase in B.C. not enough

On March 14, B.C. announced the province would be raising the minimum wage from $15.20 an hour to $15.65 beginning on June 1.
News Unsettled Native Students Union column

The experience of an Indigenous student in a colonial institution

I cannot speak at length about other’s experiences, I can only speak to my own. I am in my final semester of a history-Indigenous studies degree. On several occasions, I…
Graphic by Sie Douglas-Fish.

The B.C. government is wrong to abolish the indoor mask mandate

Masks have been an integral part of our society since the start of the pandemic. However, as of March 11, they are no longer mandatory in indoor public settings. In…

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The Martlet
Student Union Building
Room B011
University of Victoria
3700 Finnerty Road
Victoria, B.C.
V8W 5C2