
The B.C. government is right to consider budget deficit secondary

On Feb. 22, the B.C. government announced the 2022-2023 budget plan — with the cheesy motto “Stronger Together.” As cliché as this statement sounds, it does somewhat reflect the budget…

Not all women in Canada are free to express themselves and fight for their beliefs

While many women in Canada are free to express themselves, International Women’s Day is a reminder of the work left to be done.
File graphic by Emily Thiessen.

The danger of misinformation in the era of social media news

When social media first spread its wings, there was a feeling of optimism that the people had finally found their voice. Now, with the war in Ukraine, we are seeing…

Pandemic Partisan Divide

The Martlet accepts Letters to the Editor! Letters must be 200 words or less and cannot contain any images, videos, or links. They must be written by an individual (not…
News Unsettled Native Students Union column

The Western world’s reaction to war on Ukraine reveals deep hypocrisy

Before I write this, I want to clarify, I mean no disrespect to the Ukrainian people living in fear and who are suffering. What I hope to accomplish is to…
News Unsettled Native Students Union column

‘Freedom Convoy 2022’: a show of disrespect and hypocrisy

For several weeks, there have been gatherings across ‘Canada’ of those who believe they are members of a ‘Freedom Convoy.’
Marvel heroes, graphic by Sie Douglas-Fish.

True diversity in Marvel movies is lacking

Marvel has missed the mark in achieving true racial diversity. They have made some progress towards greater representation of racialized groups, but still lack in diversifying the main popular characters…
News Unsettled Native Students Union column

Take a moment of reflection before you speak

I have been in the Indigenous Studies (IS) program at UVic for over three and a half years. It is almost perfect. The faculty is amazing, the content is informative…

To be aromantic in a decidedly romantic world

You see, I’m something called 'aromantic.' Haven’t heard of it? Few people have. It’s exactly what it sounds like, though; I simply don’t experience romantic attraction. Don’t get me wrong,…

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The Martlet
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Room B011
University of Victoria
3700 Finnerty Road
Victoria, B.C.
V8W 5C2