
Racism is an unwanted heirloom that passes through generations

Ever since the COVID-19 pandemic, reports about police brutality and its victims surfaced.
News Unsettled Native Students Union column

To stop the spread in Indigenous communities, Canada needs to respect Indigenous sovereignty over the land

the Canadian government has sat by and allowed for industry, the police, tourists and white supremacist protestors to run rampant on Indigenous territories.
stock image of online university

We can’t let our sense of community be another casualty of COVID-19

For first-year students, the start of the semester is often seen as a critical time to dive into campus life and find new friendships at clubs day, in the quad,…
bar graphic and COVID-19, bars to close two hours early

For B.C.’s bars, two hours won’t break the bank

Bars should listen to Bonnie Henry’s advice On Sept. 8, Bonnie Henry, B.C.’s provincial health officer, issued a new COVID-related restriction on B.C.’s nightlife. Venues are no longer allowed to…

Letter to the Editor: Concerns regarding Cedar Hill Rec usage

This is a letter to the editor. The Martlet has an open letters policy and will endeavour to print every letter received from members of the universitycommunity, with priority to…
cartoon of homeless person on bench, Victoria Native Friendship Centre closes

It’s time to change the conversation around homelessness

Victoria is facing a homelessness crisis. However, instead of empathy and solutions, the city’s most vulnerable have been levelled with accusations that they are lazy, dangerous drug addicts who ca
Statue of James Cook with red paint

John A. MacDonald was a start

On Saturday, August 29th, a group of activists in Kanien’kehá:ka territory gathered to demand the defunding of police. As the demonstration was coming to an end, a group scaled the…

Online classes will have a negative impact on students social lives

When 90 per cent of undergraduate classes are online, how are we expected to socialize?  Last year, if someone told me I was going to be attending lectures from the…
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We aren’t doing enough to support artists, and haven’t been for years

Spotify has lured us into a false sense of benevolence On July 31, the United States government’s Federal Pandemic Unemployment Compensation for working Americans expired, leaving millions of American freelance…

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The Martlet
Student Union Building
Room B011
University of Victoria
3700 Finnerty Road
Victoria, B.C.
V8W 5C2