
rona social distancing graphic

It’s time to renew our COVID-19 vows

Well ‘rona, we all figured we would be writing this eventually, we just didn’t know when. Everyone seems to have forgotten about you or put you in the backs of…
News Unsettled Native Students Union column

Why “something else” needs to be taken more seriously

Though the category “something else” on CNN might be portrayed as a simple and innocent mistake, one that can be changed at will after outrage,

The labour of social activism: what are we working for?

As we work for social justice, we must remember where our social movements came from and consider what they can realistically achieve. From Singapore to Canada, considering the colonial origins…
News Unsettled Native Students Union column

Confrontations at 1492 Land Back Lane bring some glaring colonial hypocrisy into light

Despite all these rights embedded within Canadian law regarding land and treaties the OPP and Foxgate, the company building the housing developments, keep referring to the defenders as “lawless”.
David Strong Building with COVID-19 notices on the doors

Give students a break

But although reading break is a welcome breather, the reality is that students and professors need more than just three days — we need less work.
uvic michael williams building

Dear Mr. President: A Martlet welcome to Kevin Hall

The students, faculty, and staff here are passionate and unafraid of raising issues that are important to them. In the past two years, students and faculty have asked the university…
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Abolish holidays

Critiquing the corruption of ‘traditional’ holy, holidays into the consumerist, godless husks of today is a favourite pastime of conservative pundits and people who hate fun. But is there a…
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Without science journalists, coverage of studies is lacking

Good science reporting shouldn’t be a rare commodity Two simple, innocuous sentences — and I flung my Canadian Press (CP) Stylebook across the room before diving into an internet search.…
News Unsettled Native Students Union column

The healthcare system’s treatment of Indigenous people needs to change

Something that has been clear about healthcare in Canada for a long time is that it is, among many other services and institutions, an extremely unsafe place for Indigenous peoples.

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The Martlet
Student Union Building
Room B011
University of Victoria
3700 Finnerty Road
Victoria, B.C.
V8W 5C2