
Canada’s future depends on America’s present

Canadian and United States cultures and media are innately linked, and as a result, so too are our ideologies. This means that it is more important than ever for Canadians…

Our military has lost “clout” because it does horrible things

Our military has done horrible things both abroad and at home. Canadians need to reckon with that and envision a national service that does not rely on violence.

A drop in the ocean: the illusory but necessary promise of the plastic straw

Chances are that by now you’ve probably heard of the environmental issues that plastic straws pose. The straw, however, is just a symptom of a worldwide addiction to single-use plastics;…

It doesn’t take much to say thank you, Victoria

"I spent all afternoon thinking about what it means that the City of Victoria has not officially thanked the Songhees through a written plaque or maintained the welcome sign to…
Letter to the editor

LETTER | “Deep disappointment” in NDP candidate Laurel Collins

I’m writing to express my deep disappointment in the federal NDP campaign of Victoria City Councillor Laurel Collins. I was part of the Together Victoria movement that elected Laurel last…
native students union

NEWS UNSETTLED | Gotta knock a little harder

It is not a matter of individual interests — it is a matter of ensuring our future as humanity. We need to recognize and support the efforts of those who…

EDITORIAL | Don’t let your ballot go unchecked

With 338 seats in the House of Commons, voting for just one may seem like a meaningless task. But this election is the closest, tightest Canadian federal election in the…

Tips for turning struggle into strength

Especially for students new to university life, it’s not easy to predict how you’ll feel when the dust settles and the work picks up. The trouble comes when you find…

What if there really was a major spill?

The spill could be small, or it could be the next Exxon Valdez, but either way the cost for the Salish Sea may be too great.

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The Martlet
Student Union Building
Room B011
University of Victoria
3700 Finnerty Road
Victoria, B.C.
V8W 5C2