
Dating apps

The downfall of dating apps

My best recommendation is to skip the dating apps, however tempting they may be. The data supports taking it slow, forming friendships first.
Kate Middleton

#KateGate: Kate Middleton reveals her diagnosis and exposes our social media disease

On March 22, Kate Middleton issued a video announcing that she was diagnosed with cancer and is undergoing “preventative chemotherapy.”

Letter from the (outgoing) editor

The Martlet's outgoing editor reflects on the past year and looks forward to Volume 77.

Digital monoculture: How the internet destroys creativity

Digital monoculture is the result of the pressure to produce homogenous content, and it's killing creative content.

The resurgence of tradwives and their impact on feminism

The tradwife trend takes values from 50s housewife culture, rebranding it with a new twist to increase its appeal to young women. 

The moral blind spot: The curious case of our mistreatment of conscious creatures

How is it that we can show so much compassion, care, and kindness to an animal in one moment and in the next have them served up dead on our…

Why ‘Glee’ needs to make a comeback

Glee was more than just a silly show about teenagers breaking out into cringy musical numbers — it was a cultural phenomenon. The show brought a new age of inclusivity.
Letter to the editor

Letters: The illusion of freedom in the humanities

The Martlet accepts Letters to the Editor!

Anti-aging ideals are lying to you

Aging is not a bad thing. On the contrary, signs of aging show a life well lived. Smile lines and wrinkly skin are products of the sun, smiling, laughing, and…

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The Martlet
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Room B011
University of Victoria
3700 Finnerty Road
Victoria, B.C.
V8W 5C2