Lethal injections are a strange balancing act; they combine the willingness to kill with the desire to do so nicely. It’s this latter half of the equation which leads states…
Can a raisin help you find your happy place? At UVic’s IdeaFest, Cindy Player, director of Equity and Human Rights, organized a happiness panel to find out. This is where…
My friend Katherine has one thing to say about catching up to the sun twice a year: “It’s stupid. The sun should catch up to us.” Making demands from the…
While Apple CEO Tim Cook spent a lot of time detailing the features and benefits of the Apple Watch, highlighting the materials used in the regular and Sport models, he…
Through working in a lab, I’ve met the most intelligent, passionate and inspirational people I’ve ever had the pleasure of working with. Plus, by creating the website I am about…
In 1999, two environmental studies students on campus questioned why our campus was creating so much waste, so they dug deeper. They needed qualitative and credible evidence, so they conducted…
If you have ever been curious how Oscar voting works or whether or not slates are a good idea for university elections but have never been able to seamlessly transition…