
The unappetizing future of native advertising

As part of promotion for Orange is the New Black, Netflix paid for a story on the New York Times website about women in the prison system.

Returning to school routines

With September approaching, it’s difficult to know whether I’ve really changed as a student since April. I’ve often had to give vague and mixed answers to those who ask how…

Ask the question

On July 24, Angus Reid Global released the findings of a poll commissioned by lobby group Amalgamation Yes that shows widespread support for greater co-operation between municipalities, driven by issues…

The Lens: August 14

Stopping media stereotypes in Aboriginal health and education

According to Duncan McCue, an Anishinaabe journalist who has been a CBC reporter for over 15 years, “an elder once told me the only way an Indian would make it…

A new chapter for Indigenous rights

UVic meetings often begin with an acknowledgment of the unceded territories, a few sentences reminding participants of the history of campus land: that it, like most land in this province,…

A Canadian province is undermining education

This article was originally published by the Gateway of the University of Alberta. Teachers in Ontario pledged $1.5 million last month to shore up the B.C. Teachers’ Federation (B.C.T.F.) in…

Caught between Harper and a hard place

Prime Minister Stephen Harper has made many divisive decisions and statements during his tenure in Canada’s highest office;

Letters: Month of June

Re: “Fighting words: photo exhibit on indigenous oppression inspires conversation,” May 26, 2014 The problem with the CJPME’s photo exhibit was only alluded to with one short phrase in May’s…

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Room B011
University of Victoria
3700 Finnerty Road
Victoria, B.C.
V8W 5C2