
How UVic (and you) can be prepared for an earthquake 

In the future, Johns says that he hopes to have modules available on Brightspace that can be accessed by staff, faculty, and students to learn about emergency events and how…

What’s that animal on campus?

A 2020 report by co-op student Larissa Bron reported 785 species of flora and fauna on the UVic campus. Here is a short guide on some of the fauna you…

Seven UVic electives to explore this summer

Whether you need one more credit to graduate, or are trying to get ahead with an extra credit, consider adding one of these seven electives to your summer schedule. 

Must-read books before graduation, according to profs

Every student’s academic journey is shaped by the ideas they encounter, and books are a key way students broaden their perspectives.

Grow your green thumb at UVic’s Campus Community Gardens

The CCG is both an underrated hangout spot, and an educational and experiential gem on our campus, featuring so many different opportunities catered to the price range and availability of…

UVic’s gender affirming care plans enter their second year available to students

Medical care through the UVSS’s insurance partner GreenShield covers up to $5 000 per eligible procedure, to a lifetime maximum of $10 000. Procedures covered by GreenShield in B.C. include…

What should we learn about porn?

“There's been a lot of focus on the porn addiction side,” said Gibson, who admits that young people often ask her if viewing porn will change their brains. “The research…

What does it take to create new programs at UVic?

“Students’ voices are very much championed in those discussions,” she said. “Getting to be a part of that process, and knowing that my voice was also important in that conversation…

Students are rebuilding on-campus community with new clubs

Thanks to the efforts of some ambitious students, UVic’s on-campus community is being revitalized through student clubs.

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The Martlet
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Room B011
University of Victoria
3700 Finnerty Road
Victoria, B.C.
V8W 5C2