bc ndp

B.C. Conservative Party vows to close supervised consumption sites

John Rustad, leader of the B.C. Conservative Party has vowed to eliminate supervised consumption sites (SCSs) across the province and replace them with intake centres focused on treatment and recovery…

Where do B.C. parties stand on student issues?

Students may be wondering how various party platforms will affect them. Issues like housing, the cost of living, education and social issues, and climate change are important to university-aged students.…

UVic NDP students divided over Wet’suwet’en crisis

While students on the UVic NDP club’s executive committee remain confident in Horgan’s government, others have their doubts. NDP students are divided over which side to support, and some are…

What to look out for in the B.C. provincial election

The writ has dropped for the 41st British Columbia general election, meaning the next three and a half weeks will be chock full of lawn signs, political statuses on Facebook,…

South Island MLA candidates go face-to-face with students

On March 31, the South Island Candidate’s Fair, organized by the UVSS as part of its Count On Our Vote campaign, welcomed a pool of candidates from the B.C. Green…

B.C. NDP tackles big money at UVic open house

With the pungent political stew south of the border still bubbling away at high heat, it can be easy to forget that British Columbia’s provincial election is sitting on the…

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Room B011
University of Victoria
3700 Finnerty Road
Victoria, B.C.
V8W 5C2