
Vikes record holds strong with 3-0 victory

History repeated itself at Centennial Stadium, as the Vikes men’s soccer team beat the University of Northern B.C. for the seventh time in a row, and by a score of…

UVSS, students lose out on textbook sales

SUBtext, the UVSS’s non-profit textbook consignment store, has estimated a loss of $40-50 000 per term on unsold textbooks. From 2013–2014, the estimated loss was $72 000. Roxie Price, SUBtext’s manager since…

UVic gets consensual for awareness week

It’s time for UVic to say yes to consent as the annual Sexual Violence Awareness Week (SVAW) gets set to kick off. Events are planned for students at various locations…

News brief: Debit at Mystic Market

As a result of student feedback, including a survey of 1398 respondents done earlier this year, Mystic Market now accepts debit as of July 31. Sarah Dusterbeck, Coordinator, Marketing &…

Events: Sept 10–Sept 23

Art Anna Banana: 45 Years of Fooling Around with A. Banana I’ve had a love-hate relationship with bananas for quite a while. Sometimes it’s like, dang, these are so good.…

Vikes double-header ends in defeat, optimism

The Vikes women’s and men’s soccer teams both hit the pitch Saturday, Sept. 5, though the outcomes couldn’t be more different. The women’s team lost a tight home game against…

Board of Directors negotiates capital expenditures

The UVSS Board of Directors convened for an emergency meeting on Aug. 18 to address motions that were left unaccounted for during last week’s meeting on Aug. 10, including the…

Pride referendum stirs up debate at board meeting

Emotions were running high in the SUB Upper Lounge on Aug. 10, as the UVSS Board of Directors discussed a referendum that would ask students for approval of a fee…

UVEC brings out the best in student engineering

This past Saturday, UVic engineers gathered in ECS to compete in UVEC, the University of Victoria Engineering Competition. The one-day event, consisting of team competitions in various disciplines, was a qualifying…

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Room B011
University of Victoria
3700 Finnerty Road
Victoria, B.C.
V8W 5C2