
Underrated things to do on campus in fall

It’s time to start thinking about ways to feel good throughout the second half of the semester. Here are some underrated activities to do on campus this fall.

UVic’s new SafetyApp is simple but smart

The university recently announced the launch of the UVic SafetyApp, a new mobile resource for students. But how easy is the app to use? What are its features? Is it…

Breaking: Campus food found to be abnormally good

“This is not what I ordered” One of the most important parts of owning and operating a restaurant is ensuring consistency and adherence to brand normalcy. In the same way…

Falling through the cracks

Over the past year, some students feel the implementation of UVic’s Sexualized Violence Policy has left them without confidentiality, support, and protection   Three weeks into her first year at…

E-Bike invention ‘The Caboost’ wins $1 5000 award at prestigious Vancouver Island competition

UVic student king of the hills The burning sensation in your quads, the gasping for air, and the lactic acid building in your legs: three feelings that cyclists in Victoria…

Dear high school students touring campus right now

Some advice before you venture into the “real world” Hi, it’s me. Yes, that girl you saw walking across campus in her pyjamas. Yes, both those coffees you saw in…

UVSS gets quorum at SAGM, loses it 30 minutes later

Board passes small policy language clarifications For the first time in five years, the UVSS’ Semi-Annual General Meeting [SAGM] reached quorum. Then, almost exactly 30 minutes later, they lost it.…

The Martlet’s 2018 Sex Survey results

The results are in: consent is sexy From the 289 participants of this year’s sex survey (comprised of 284 online, and five who bravely handed theirs in person), we learned…

Feb. 5 UVSS Board meeting recap

Days before their Semi-Annual General Meeting, the UVSS convened to discuss a new member at the table, Third Space’s rebranding process, and a change to Cinecenta. The meeting started with…

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The Martlet
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Room B011
University of Victoria
3700 Finnerty Road
Victoria, B.C.
V8W 5C2