Abortion was decriminalized in 1969. No law reflecting the Supreme Court's R. v Morgentaler decision ever passed through parliament, so no laws govern abortion in Canada. This is precisely the…
Since Canada’s first implementation of curbside recycling programs in the 1980s, Canadians have dutifully filled our blue bins believing we’re doing a good thing for the planet. However, much of…
This July, I did not celebrate Canada 152. Canada remains a false country, because this is unceded Indigenous land, and because we are unceded Indigenous peoples. What I would like…
We're officially 102 days away from the next federal election. But why is it that Canadians are more informed about an election that won't be decided until more than a…
Abortion is not accessible for all Canadians. Before we tell ourselves we are better than the divisive abortion politics in the States, let’s first take a look in the mirror.
It seems that Canadians feel it’s an “exaggeration” to use the word genocide when referring to the mass murder of Indigenous peoples. As the beneficiaries of resource extraction and land…
On April 3, the country of Brunei put into practice the final laws of a sharia, law-based penal code. Sex between men, anal sex, extramarital sex, and abortion now are…
The Daughters of the Vote event in Ottawa was more politically-charged than usual this year when delegates turned their backs during Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's speech, and left the room…
To suggest that the proposed international student tuition fee hikes will further, or create, class divisions is a backward logic, and is just as much a fallacy as the dominant…