For a lot of students, the first year of university is a time of upheaval. Starting university means new people, new classes, new expectations, new responsibilities, and sometimes, moving far…
The UVic based Pacific Institute for Climate Solutions (PICS) launched the Living with Water project on Dec. 15th. This $1 million, four-year Theme Partnership Project connects teams of researchers who…
"Plant-based beverages are on the verge of usurping traditional dairy milk’s once-ubiquitous role in the Canadian diet, and are quickly becoming more than just alternatives for the next generation of…
Researchers at UVic’s Institute for Integrated Energy Systems recently published a study examining the province’s transportation future. The study found B.C. would need to double its energy grid capacity but…
The 100 Debates on the Environment event filled the pews of the First Metropolitan United Church on October 3. Concerned voters listened as four local candidates took to the stage…
Climate change may seem like a big, lofty issue, but these local youth are fearlessly facing it head-on. Whether by leading advocacy groups on campus or leaving school to strike…
"A recent genetic study of Skeena Sockeye salmon scales revealed that in the past 100 years, their population has decreased by over 75 per cent. This is no surprise to…
This could potentially be the biggest global student strike for the climate to date On Friday, Mar. 15, pages of tests and textbooks will be left unturned as local youth…