
Magnificent Shades of Ebony photo

Divine Mercy Ezeaku highlights the Black experience in her photography project Magnificent Shades of Ebony

Ezeaku spoke to the Martlet about finding her creativity, using her lens to empower Black folks, and building her portfolio as a student. He

Canada’s future depends on America’s present

Canadian and United States cultures and media are innately linked, and as a result, so too are our ideologies. This means that it is more important than ever for Canadians…

Patrick Boyle to play at latest ‘Blues for Eric’ concert on April 13

Trumpet star and UVic professor Patrick Boyle will celebrate the seminal music of Louis Armstrong while raising funds at the ninth 'Blues for Eric' benefit concert. The show starts at…

Confronting society’s underlying prejudices towards the poor

Nothing about success (or the perceived lack thereof) in capitalist societies is inherently moral or immoral. Being rich doesn’t make you a better person, and being poor doesn’t make you…

UVic’s Japanese Culture Club hosts first Japanese Equinox Festival

From the drums of the Uminari Taiko group that made the Michele Pujol room rumble to the Furusato Dancers twirling with branches of flowering cherry blossoms, the Japanese Equinox Festival,…

The Hippocrates tree

The University of Victoria campus is full of beautiful plants — a sight to behold in every season. Hippocrates, an ancient physician, supposedly taught lectures under a big Oriental Plane…

Review: ‘Good Morning, Viet Mom!’

In Good Morning, Viet Mom!, Franco Nguyen tells a story of growing up as the son of Vietnamese immigrant parents in a moving and hilarious show with themes of family,…

Mike Delamont confronts difficult childhood in ‘Mama’s Boy’

On Mar. 8, Mama’s Boy opened the 10th annual Spark Festival at the Belfry Theatre. Mike Delamont used every part of his towering six-foot-six frame to deliver a moving, intimate…

Multilingual Yukon jazz artist coming to Victoria this weekend

Feminism, self-reflection at the heart of Fawn Fritzen’s music Feminism, introspection, and jazz — all elements intrinsic to the music of Fawn Fritzen, an artist from Whitehorse, Yukon making her…

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The Martlet
Student Union Building
Room B011
University of Victoria
3700 Finnerty Road
Victoria, B.C.
V8W 5C2