
The Noticeables

The guy who wears a bow tie while riding a unicycle, the girl wearing large headphones who always sings Queen songs just a little too loudly in public. The guy…

Cold-shouldered formality

Every winter, the University of Victoria holds a Winter Formal dance at the end of November for the on-campus residents. I attended it in my first year, and if you…

What would happen if Romeo and Juliet grew old?

A Tender Thing, an original play written by Ben Power, is a reimagining of Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet. The play is currently making it’s North American debut at the Belfry…

A chat with Eddie Izzard

Eddie Izzard will be returning to the Royal Theatre with his show “Force Majeure” Nov. 29 and 30. The tour brings Izzard to Victoria for the first time since he…

Healthy ways to veg out

I’ll admit, I’m guilty of forgetting to eat vegetables sometimes. It’s hard to keep up a healthy menu with a full course load while working part time, volunteering, and whatever…

Remembering Lou Reed

“I don’t believe in dressing up reality. I don’t believe in using makeup to make things look smoother,” words from the legendary rock-and-roll musician, singer, and songwriter Lou Reed, who…

UVic confessions hit bookstore

UVic students and alumni held a book launch at the UVic bookstore on Nov. 7 for their modern love anthology called: Campus Confidential. The book shares personal essays about students’…

The future is ours, 140 characters at a time

Quick—name what the following TV shows have in common: Firefly, Arrested Development, Pushing Daisies, Angel: the Series, and Veronica Mars. Many readers will recognize it as a very short list…

Purge yourself, and be curious

A frequent misconception many people have with abstract art is that abstract artists work with chaos and lack the controlled style of more traditional artwork. “Abstract involves construction of a…

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The Martlet
Student Union Building
Room B011
University of Victoria
3700 Finnerty Road
Victoria, B.C.
V8W 5C2