
B.C. moves to re-criminalize drug use in public spaces

B.C. re-criminalizes public drug use as of May 7, just one year into the province's three-year exemption from the CDSA.
A doctor speaking to a patient. Graphic by Sie Douglas-Fish.

“It’ll get worse before it gets better”: The overdose crisis in 2021

Dave Keebler is a father, a son, a mentor, and an educator. He is also an ex-heroin addict. Keebler spends his days working for SOLID Outreach in Victoria, assisting drug…
drug decriminalization site graphic

B.C. requests drug decriminalization

Advocates welcome overdose crisis responses May 5 was the five-year anniversary of B.C. declaring the overdose crisis. This anniversary followed the deadliest of those five years, with 1 716 people…
poster at MSTH rally shows COVID-19 deaths to overdose deaths

“We can’t incarcerate ourselves out of this crisis”: Moms Stop the Harm holds rally for drug decriminalization

At the rally, representatives from MSTH emphasized the need for an evidence-based health care approach to B.C.'s overdose crisis — rather than criminalizing drug-users.

Decriminalizing sex work is a better solution

A response to “It’s time to legalize prostitution in Canada” It’s not time to legalize prostitution in Canada. It’s time to listen to what sex-workers’ rights groups are saying. And…

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