
Which UVic building are you based on your astrology sign?

Which UVic building are you based on your astrology sign?

Aries is a fiery sign that is ambitious, passionate, and they tend to make confident leaders. Aries is the Business and Economics Building.

UVSS SAGM Tweetcap: UVSS continues to value fun, despite best efforts

The proposed changes to the UVSS’ values involved removing “FUN!!” from the list of values and adding two values, environmental sustainability and decolonization. At the SAGM, multiple students expressed their…

McPherson Library needs ping pong: It’ll make us all smarter (I promise)

Library yet, or its closely situated ping-pong table, you are missing out. Nothing helps ease the pain of cramming like whooping your buddy’s ass at a game of ping pong,…

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The Martlet
Student Union Building
Room B011
University of Victoria
3700 Finnerty Road
Victoria, B.C.
V8W 5C2